International friends in London

Three months of dating for nothing

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    Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my thread! So I’ll throw a little backstory for everyone. I met a woman on a dating website. It was long distance but we decided what the heck. We talked for about a month before finally meeting one another. We hit it off real fast. We really clicked and had great chemistry. About two and a half months into this, she tells me that she is having second thoughts. She felt that we were moving too quickly. I agreed and we decided to just go on dates and not stay with one another. Three weeks later, which is now, she says that we are back where we were before and she isn’t comfortable with it. Then tells me that she doesn’t see me enough. We seem to have the same feelings for one another, but I’m a man that desires companionship and if one thing doesn’t work, I put myself out there because I enjoy dating and seeing if I can find someone that is someone I can be with forever. Should I start dating now, or is that disrespectful to her so fast


    Hey man, that’s a really tough spot. For some reason, the counter-intuitive approach seems to work. Be more distant, yet interested. Do fun things, have her feel like if she’s not with you, she’s missing out. Make her chase you instead of you chasing her. If she really does like you, she’ll chase. If not, well, you’re right back where you are now and that’s okay – because at least you know.

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